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Amesbury School

by Michelle Prinsloo

Whole School Cross Country

Michelle Prinsloo - June 15, 2020

It's time for our Whole School Cross Country!

Our whole school cross country event will be held in Week 12 of Term 2, on Tuesday 30 June. The event will begin just after 11am (after morning tea) and will run until approximately 12:50pm (lunchtime).

Students will gather out on the courts just after morning tea, and the race schedule is as follows: Year 6 girls; Year 6 boys; Year 5 girls; Year 5 boys; Year 4 girls, Year 4 boys; Year 3 girls; Year 3 boys; Year 2 girls; Year 2 boys; Year 1 girls; Year 1 boys.

As cross country is part of our PE and Sports program, we expect all students to participate in this event.

Senior students will run alongside younger students (Year 3 and below) to help and encourage them.

Year 1 and 2 students will run 500m (1 lap of the course), Year 3 and 4 students will run 1km (2 laps) and Year 5 and 6 students will run 1.5 km (3 laps of the course). The cross country course this year will again follow the bike track loop, which is very handily 500m long.

Students are encouraged to bring sports clothes that are comfortable and practical for running in, along with sensible sneakers or running shoes. If students prefer to run barefoot, that is also fine. If students prefer not to change their clothes, they are welcome to run in their school uniform. We encourage students to bring a spare change of clothes as the course can sometimes be a bit muddy. We do ask that students wear their uniform to school in the morning. They will be given time to change into running clothes before the cross country begins.

Spectators are warmly encouraged - it's always good to have rowdy cheerleaders on the side! The students really lift up their pace when they see or hear people on the sideline.

Results for our Whole School Cross Country will inform us who will be participating in the further Cross Country Events. We also use our cross country training to inform our decisions as we recognise that students could be away on the day for a variety of reasons.

Northern Zone Cross Country - 31 July 2020 at Grenada North Park

PSW Inter-Zone - Tuesday 18 August at Grenada North Park

Regional: Tuesday 8 September or Thursday 10 September (TBC) - Harcourt Park Upper Hutt

Inter-Regional - Thursday 24 September - Harcourt Park Upper Hutt 

We are looking at running the Junior Invitational Cross Country later in Term 3.           

Further information regarding these events will be sent to the families of students who have qualified. 

If you have any questions about the cross country event, please contact Michelle at

Warm regards,

The Amesbury team