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Amesbury School

School Lunch Orders

Amesbury School - February 7, 2017

New World orders Monday to Thursday and Subway orders on Fridays ...

Lunches are now available to order online from Monday to Thursdays, from New World Churton Park.  New World are offering an extensive list of options, including extras such as drinks, fruit and bakery items, which can be booked using an online booking form (link below);

New World Lunch Order Form (Monday-Thursday)

IMPORTANT: Exact payment for orders made with New World will need to be made directly into the New World account immediately after your order has been submitted. Full details on how to make your payment and the reference fields required are provided on the order form.  

Subway lunches are still be available each Friday and a separate order form is in use for this (link below);

Subway Order Form (Fridays)

  • Latest time for all lunch orders is 3:00pm the day prior. 
  • Payments for lunches ordered from New World will need to be made separately from Subway lunch order payments.
  • All lunch orders are delivered fresh to school daily.

Please let us know if you have any queries, or if you have any feedback on the variety and service from New World, please email