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Amesbury School

Grandparents and whānau sharing time

Urs Cunningham - June 21, 2024

Our learning celebration this term is focused on a sharing our school and our learning with grandparents and whānau. You are all most welcome to come along and see our learning in action on Tuesday 2nd July.

The sharing time will be held from 11:30am - 12:50pm on Tuesday 2nd July (final week of term). Grandparents and whānau are most welcome to come along to the school hall for a 11:30am start. The hall will be open from 11am, so you can come a little early, make yourself a tea or coffee in the hall and get settled for the 11:30am start.

We will begin with a performance in the hall from our kapa haka performance group. Urs and Jenny will then introduce the morning and the different things that will be happening. We will then organise all guests into tour groups.

We will have Year 5 and 6 tour guides taking whānau around the school, and finding tamariki (children) and mokopuna (grandchildren) of guests along the way. It will help if you can talk with grandparents and any family members who will be coming along, and let them know where their tamariki and mokopuna are based. We will be splitting tour groups up and taking groups to the area where their tamariki and mokopuna are based first. Our groups will be: Māwhero (new five year olds), Kākāriki, Kōwhai, year 4 ākonga (students), and year 5 and 6 ākonga.

On the guided tour, our guests can 'pick up' their tamariki (children) and mokopuna (grandchildren), and they can be part of the tour. Guests can choose to stay in the learning spaces and see what learning looks like in action in the hub spaces, or they can carry on with the tour and see the different parts of the school. The tours will take them around each learning space, and it will also visit the story telling area, the dance group area, and our Garden to Table area, where a Garden to Table session will be happening. Tamariki and mokopuna will also be welcome to take their visitors around the school and show them their own favourite places.

The tours and time in the hubs will end at 12:45, when tour guides and children will take visitors back to the school hall. Ākonga will then be going outside for lunch eating time. It will hopefully be a lovely time of connection, sharing, celebration, and learning. Please feel free to invite any interested grandparents and whānau members to come along, and all of you are, of course, most welcome to come and be part of this.

We hope to see many of you there.

Key details:

  • Kapa haka starts the tour and sharing at 11:30am in the school hall. The hall will be open from 11am onwards for tea and coffee.

  • Please let any whānau members who are attending know the names of the area where their children they are visiting wil be based. We will be basing tours from these areas: Māwhero (five year olds), Kākāriki, Kōwhai, year 4, Year 5 and 6.

  • Tours stop at 12:45pm