Harakeke (Year 4-6) Swimming Term 2
Demelza Topp - April 10, 2018
Here is all the information you need know about Harakeke swimming next term. Please read carefully as there have been a couple of changes.
- The Year 4-6 students in Harakeke will swim in Term 2 and the Year 3 students will swim with their year group in Term 3.
- All swimming lessons will take place at Keith Spry pool. Students will either be in the main pool or the teaching pool, depending on which group they are in.
- The first day of swimming is Tuesday 8th May (Week 2) and the last day is Tuesday 26th June (Week 9).
- Swimming lessons will be 12:30-2:30.
- Students need to bring togs, a towel and a swim cap in a named swimming bag. Goggles are also very useful, but not compulsory.
- Students & staff will travel to the pool by bus.
- All lessons will be run by EasySwim instructors.
- The cost of swimming is $55 per student, (this equates to $6.88 per week, which covers the lesson by a qualified swim coach and transport between school and the pool). Invoices will be added to student accounts and will be available for payment in the "student invoices section" of the online shop. Please make your payment by Friday 27th April.
School lunches will not be available on this day - students must bring a packed lunch to school.
If you have any queries, please let us know.
Amesbury Admin Team