Urs Cunningham — May 13, 2020

This article contains information about returning Chromebooks to school if you have had them for home learning over the last few weeks.

Thank you for looking after these during the lockdown. We hope it made access to learning easier for you and your family.

We now need these devices returned in order to prepare for learning back at school. There are two options for doing this:

  1. Friday 15th April 12 - 3pm

This will be a contactless and traced system. You bring the device to the school foyer where there are a number of tables set up. You must record your name and time at school down on the tracking sheet to say you were onsite (our contact tracing system for this) and leave the devices and it’s charging cable together on the table. Only one person should come inside to do this.

  1. Monday 16th April - With your child when they return to school

As we are not able to have people onsite, we will trust that students can bring the device back to school. It needs to be carefully placed in their bag and brought to the foyer tables with the charging cable as they arrive at school. Teachers will remind students in the morning of this as well.

All devices will need to be cleaned and checked before returning to the hub. If any damage has occurred already, please let Lisa know in advance (lisa@amesbury.school.nz). There are no spare devices available for students if theirs is not returned.

If your child is continuing to learn from home, then you may keep the device for the duration of this time. Please return in your child’s bag when they return to school.