School Notices: 28 March - 4 April
Rachael van Rij - March 28, 2018
Easter closure: School will be closed on Friday, 29th March until Tuesday, 3rd April. We wish you all a safe and happy long weekend over the Easter break and look forward to welcoming the students back on Wednesday, 4th April.
Amesbury TV: Our first episode has been filmed! See it here.
Student Conferences: Reminder to book a student conference for next week if you haven't already. See here for further information.
1. Adult Umpire Class – Tuesday 10 April 7pm at Newlands Intermediate Staffroom. Open to all potential adult umpires. Come and learn the rules, and some tips on umpiring. Cost $5 for the Introduction to Netball Umpiring Book. Please register via website. Registrations will open 28 March.
2. Year 5 taster session with Irene Van Dyk. Sunday 8 April 8.45-11am at Newlands College. Parents will get a chance to experience 6 aside netball when they have a game of 6 aside walking netball (bring your shoes!). Year 5’s will get to learn some new skills from Irene, and coaches can come along and learn the drills too. This is a great session for all Year 5’s who are transitioning from 5 aside netball to 6 aside netball. Don’t miss out. Register via the website – registrations open 28 March close 4 April.
3. We have a Year 3 and 4 junior convenor to look after the administration of the programme! Thanks Rebecca Jackson. And we have had some great volunteers offering to help run the sessions on Saturday. If you are interested in helping as a junior coordinator on a Saturday please email Rebecca on
For sale: 1 x striped polo shirt (size 10) - $39. Brand new, only removed from the packaging to try on. Selling as it is too big. Contact Renee 021 062 9327 /
Drop-off/Pick-up Zone in Car Park: Please help us keep the traffic moving in the car park by reminding/advising anyone that drives students to/from school, that drivers are to park cars (or wait) in a marked car park while students are being taken in to or collected from their hub. Please do not park or wait in the drop-off/pick-up zone. Please see our Carpark Safety article here, together with a Mandarin translation.
Late Arrivals to School: A friendly reminder that students must be signed in at the office if they arrive at school after 9am.
Absences: Another friendly reminder that the Office needs to know if your child is going to absent due to sickness, appointment or holiday. You can let us know via the Website, at the bottom of the homepage (see attached photos) or the App (see attached photo which shows an Absence icon on the top row) or send through an email to It's super helpful for us to know prior to 9am so we can correctly mark your child absent on the Roll, rather than searching around the School for them. Thank you!