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Amesbury School

by Rachael van Rij

Year 0-2 camp photos

Rachael van Rij - December 5, 2018

Our year 0-2 students had an action packed activity day/camp last Thursday and Friday. A huge thanks to all of the parents, support staff and teachers that helped to make this happen.

On Thursday morning we caught buses into Te Papa and set off on our adventures in four groups. We visited Te Papa and learned from our knowledgeable guides about some of the Māori art in the museum. At the City Gallery, we embarked on a sculpture tour and the representation of the legend of Ngake and Whātaitai on the City to Sea bridge. We then got to create our own patterns and shared artworks at the gallery, which was lots of fun. It was a pretty active day, with a lot of walking in between. A highlight was visiting Frank Kitts park. Unfortunately due to some unexpected showers we didn't make it there with all of our groups, but we had our own adventures in the rain! 

Those students camping overnight returned to school at 5pm and we set up our camp spaces for the evening. It was very exciting, as for many of our learners it was one of their first overnight stays away from home. We shared kai together and then played. A highlight of the evening was making and eating s'mores with our camp groups. We were very tired from the day and most of our learners had a good nights sleep. 

After a stunning sunrise, we packed up our camping equipment and shared breakfast in the courtyard. We had a fun morning altogether, exploring water play, games in the library, construction, the bike track and games on the field. We completed some reflections on our camp experiences and have a calm afternoon, with lots of reading. I know we all slept well on Friday night!

Ishaan Ranchod’s Camp Report - Year 2 student

Last week, on Thursday the 29 of November Amesbury school went on a beautiful and epic trip to Wellington city but it wasn't the whole school it was just Koru Hub and Te Rito. Koru hub teachers had to decide and they decided to put us in mixed groups but why did they put us in groups? Because we were able to work with students from Te Rito and we could be good leaders.

My favorite thing on the trip was going on the bus because I liked looking out the window. Also my favorite thing was going to Te Papa because it was fun to learn more learning about the Maori culture such as the looking inside the marae.

Overall the camp was epic and amazing because I loved the whole thing but I especially loved Te Papa!

The Fun Camp -Written by Raphael Tan, Year 1

Last week the amazing year 0-2 students of Amesbury School went on camp to celebrate the end of an amazing year in Koru Hub.

I loved camp and staying overnight because I got to eat smores, they were very yummy! It was very squishy and sticky as it stuck to my lips and fingers. S’mores are something yummy that you eat as dessert. You make it by putting chocolate biscuits and marshmallows and wrap it in tin foil then put it on a barbecue or oven. When you take it out it will taste delicious but it will also be very sticky and hot.

Overall the camp was amazing because I got to play with my friends and eat s'mores!

Our Awesome Y0-2 Camp - Written by Chloe Cheong Year 2

Last Thursday Koru and Te Riot students went on a interesting adventure to Wellington City. We went there because we wanted to celebrate our wonderful end of the school year.

My favourite part was the overnight camp because we got to make delicious s'mores and play games. I also liked sharing about my cute fllufy bunny and my little soft blanket.

Overall, the camp was amazing because I got to make s'mores and play with my friends. I loved it!