Cross Country 2024
Our successful school cross country event. See below for the results and next round info.
Despite a rather cold start to the day, there was a great amount of determination and grit on display by our resilient ākonga (students) as they made their way around the cross country track on Tuesday. We were pleased to see that over 95% of our students opted to run in the races. It was wonderful to see them striving for the finish line, and enjoy running around with their mates. The crowd cheered on the runners from numerous points on the course, and were glad when the sun finally came out.
We commend all participants and celebrate those who achieved personal goals. Congratulations to the top 5 finishers in each race who will go on to represent Amesbury School at in the next round. The race results can be viewed here.
Y4-6 girls and boys will travel to Grenada North Park on Tuesday 14th May (PP date 16th) to compete in the Northern Zone event against the other kura in our area.
Y1-3 will take part in the Junior Invitational held at Amesbury on 23rd May (PP date 28th). We look forward to hosting the young athletes from other schools on the day. If you would like to volunteer as a course marshal on this day please reach out.
Our best wishes to all the tamariki who will represent their whānau and our kura later this month - Kia kaha to you all!
A selection of photos from the cross country can be viewed below.
Amesbury will host a sausage sizzle fundraiser on the day of the Junior Invitational and require parent assistance. If you are available to help from roughly 9am-12pm on Thursday 23rd May please let Hannah know via email on
An article will be posted about further details and on how to place sausage sizzle orders for your child including those in Y1-3 who are racing on the day.
Ngā mihi
Sports Coordinator