Koru Hub - this year so far
Amaria Picard - July 1, 2021
In Term One ngā tamariki (children) focused on ‘Living as Me in the World.’ To begin with, ngā tamariki focussed on where they came from on a map. They were so excited to discover that other tamariki in the hub were from the same country as them. In the latter part of Term 1’s Inquiry, ngā tamariki worked in groups to create a habitat for an animal. In Visual Art, students worked together to create ‘window art’ that showed something that was important to them.
This term the focus has been on “Me in the Universe” - looking at planet Earth and beyond. Our writing has covered descriptions, and factual reports. This has also tied into our visual arts focus, where ngā tamariki created calendar art that shows their place in the universe.
We have been focusing on repeating and sequential patterns, looking at the unit of repeat as well as the unit of increase or decrease in each pattern. Ngā tamariki identify what is repeating or increasing and decreasing in a pattern, then create their own patterns. We have been exploring patterns in numbers, linking it to number sequences and basic facts to encourage mathematical thinking. Ngā tamariki have also been practising problem solving strategies using their awareness of what number sequences (including skip counting) represent. This is in addition to using knowledge of place value of ones and tens to solve problems in an authentic context.
Physical Education, Hauora and Health
Ngā tamariki have two PE sessions every week. Our physical education sessions start with a warm up, a new skill, then applying that skill through a game. Ngā tamariki have focused on ball skills, jumping & balance, throwing & catching, and kicking & receiving.
During our Hauora sessions, we have spent time focussing on a range of different topics that further develop our students' understandings of their own identity and the world around them. These sessions are linked to our Journey of Growth and Development. Some of the topics we have explored are:
- Who am I
- Emotions
- Celebrating success of myself and others
- Take actions that take care of my hub and home environment
During our Health sessions, we have spent time focussing on a range of different topics that further develop our students' understandings of their own identity and the world around them. Some of the topics we have explored are:
- What is cooperation
- Respect for others
- Being a good friend
- Expressing my feelings
- Standing up for myself and others
We have focused on developing our repertoire of karakia (blessing), whakatauki (proverb) and waiata (song) across the school. Ngā tamariki (children) enjoy learning through song and dance. We choose appropriate waiata that incorporate interactions between each other. An example of this is our waiata, titled ‘Ko wai to ingoa’ that asks who you are and how you're feeling today.
We are currently learning about Matariki (a star cluster that appears during the winter months, usually between mid-May to early July) and the role Tāwhirimātea played in creating the nine stars.