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Amesbury School - September 16, 2016
See the examples attached and follow this link for more information: http://bit.ly/2b2yQ5E
We have collected favourite, tried and true recipes from our community, and engaged a photographer, designer and commercial printer ready to produce a cookbook of approximately 100 pages, that is 'coffee table' quality.
It will include photos of children preparing food, fresh ingredients, Churton Park and the surrounding hills.
Sponsorship/advertising will help cover the costs of production of 300 books, which means all profit from sales can go towards our bike track project.
- $300 Premier (full page photo/logo in preferred section of the book, incl. footnotes)
- $200 Gold (1/2 page photo/logo in preferred section of the book)
- $100 Silver (1/4 page photo/logo in preferred section of the book)
- $50 Bronze (name of individual, business or family and bottom of page)
To allow time for production and to be available for purchase late October/early November, sponsorship space in the cookbook closes Friday 30th September.
This is a great way to advertise and show your support for a community initiative that will help contribute funds towards the construction of bike tracks in Churton Park - a fantastic school and community facility .
Follow this link to find out more about the bike track and cookbook.