Te Ao Maori (Maori world view)
Amaria Picard - June 26, 2021
Professional Development for our Kaiako (teachers)
Each term we learn a new Karakia (blessing), waiata (song) and whakataukī (proverb). We begin each meeting with these and each kaiako (teacher) will be given an opportunity to say their pepeha (the family they connect to or a personal introduction of themselves), too. Demelza and Amaria offer different workshops that our kaiako can opt into, depending on their level of knowledge and the goals they are currently focusing on in their own learning. This term, Demelza has been looking at simple interactions using te reo Māori. Amaria has been looking at legends and tikanga (customs or correct procedures) within a school setting.
Learning around Te Reo Māori me ona Tikanga (Māori language and customs or correct procedures)
An overview for each termly module is planned and each hub will plan accordingly. All children will learn the same Karakia, waiata and whakataukī that the kaiako have learnt. All children will be encouraged and supported to learn their pepeha as well as learn some well known tikanga, such as keeping your bottoms off tables as this is a potential surface for food. Here are the links to each hub’s planning for Term 2: Pōhutukawa Planning, Harakeke Planning and Koru Planning.
Mihi Whakatau
Each term we host a Mihi Whakatau (welcoming ceremony) for all new kaiako, tamariki and their whānau (family) members.
Kapa Haka
Kapa Haka plays a role in the development of a love of the Māori language and cultural values. As such, all children learn Kapa Haka each week in their hub teams as part of their ongoing Te Ao Māori learning programme. All children were also given the opportunity to experience what Kapa Haka is and then chose to commit (or not) to joining the performance group.
We have three performance Kapa Haka groups this year, and we practice weekly. Our rōpū (group) will perform at the St Brigid’s Kapa Haka Festival on Saturday 18th September - a community highlight that will often see 1000 people as an audience across the day. More information about this next term. We have also volunteered to host the Kapa Haka festival in 2022 which will be an exciting opportunity for us.
Whānau Hui
Whānau Hui are held each term. The purpose of these hui is to further build whanaungatanga (connection between families) in our wider community and respond to whānau voices about how our school empowers Māori to learn as Māori.