Lesley Murrihy — Nov 26, 2015

Nikki Kaye, Associate Minister of Education, recently spoke to an international audience of senior education leaders at the Bett Asia Leadership Summit, Singapore, about the innovative approaches being implemented at Amesbury School. 

The summit brought together senior education leaders, practitioners and industry experts from throughout the region and across the globe with the common goal of internationalising education practises and ultimately improving student outcomes. In her speech, Minister Kaye spoke of a range of innovations being undertaken by the Ministry and cited Amesbury School as a great example of innovation.

She said, "This school in Wellington was built in 2012 as an innovative learning environment and has quickly gained national recognition for its innovative teaching and learning practices.

Students are encouraged to be self-directed learners from year one and have their own e-portfolios. They use it to record their learning and to post evidence of their progress and achievement. An Amesbury Learning Framework enables teachers, students, and their parents to follow progress day-by-day against the curriculum.

Students are involved in self-assessment and encouraged to identify their own areas for development. They make progress at their own pace, with teachers working together to support them with their learning.

The principal and teachers have a mantra, “never waste a student’s time”. Key concepts are taught in twelve minute “snappers”, which are recorded so that students can re-visit them.

The whole school is available for learning, with Wi-Fi inside and out. Digital technologies are seamlessly integrated into teaching and learning. Students are encouraged to use a range of media to create and share their learning, including blogging and videoing. The focus is on fostering the joy of learning."