Hero photograph
Photo by Urs Cunningham

Sharing time for grandparents and wider whānau

Urs Cunningham —

Our learning celebration at the end of Term 2 will be a sharing opportunity for grandparents and wider whānau. Read this article to find out more.

Towards the end of each term we have a learning celebration, where parents and whānau can come in and see some of the learning that has been happening over the term. We try to vary how we run these celebrations, so that we can showcase learning in different ways. This term, we are going to run quite a different of learning celebration, focusing on inviting grandparents and wider whānau in our school community to come in and see some of the learning that has been happening. 

Our inquiry this term is focused around the natural world, and this will include looking at ecosystems, soil, and growing things. This leads beautifully into the final couple of weeks of term, where we will focus on Matariki (Māori New Year), which has a focus around harvesting and new planting. Matariki is also a time for reflection and for giving thanks for what we have, along with thinking about the year ahead. We think it is a good time to celebrate our wider whānau and invite them into school so that they can feel part of our school and know what happens here. We understand that many of our families have whānau living further away or overseas, and so the invitation will be very open - anyone who you see as part of your wider whānau group. 

The learning celebration will run as an open invitation to come into school on Tuesday 2nd July (final week of the term) between 11:30am - 1pm. There will be an open list of different things our whānau can come and see / be part of, and they are welcome to come for the whole time or any time within this block of time. 

During the sharing session, ākonga across the school will continue with their normal learning programmes. In various locations around the school, different activities or learning will be happening that whānau can come and see. There will be tour group leaders who will take grandparents and whānau, along with your tamariki who are at school, around the school for a tour. Your tamariki will be able to show whānau things around the school they like or are proud of (where they like to go and play, where they do their learning, examples of their learning up around the hub etc.). The tour leaders will also show the group some other things that are going on. These are some of the things that will be happening around the school at that time:

  • Take a tour around the learning spaces and see learning in action
  • Come and see a Garden to Table session in action. Watch some of the group out in the garden cultivating our garden beds and harvesting herbs and vegetables, and see the other group in the kitchen upstairs in Pōhutukawa using things from the garden to cook delicious kai 
  • Dance exhibition - Hannah's dance group will perform some dances, along with other ākonga dance groups who have routines they would like to share
  • Our performance Kapa Haka group will share some of their waiata and waiata-ā-ringa (action songs)
  • Our storytelling area will have groups of students enacting and telling a range of traditional stories, including the story of Matariki
  • Our group of Year 6 leaders, who will be visiting Churton Leigh Nursing Home each week this term, will share their experiences and the different things they have been doing

As we go through the term, we may well add other activities and events to this list. We will send out more information about this closer to the time. In the meantime, please invite your whānau and save the date: Tuesday 2nd July from 11:30 - 1pm

Ngā mihi, 

the Amesbury team