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Amesbury School

by John Murrihy

Learning Celebration Term 1 2024

Jemima Colquhoun - March 27, 2024

Our Term 1 Learning Celebration will be on Thursday 4th of April.

Tamariki are excited to share some of their learning with you from this term. Hubs will have a range of learning out from across the term, showing the progress and learning journey ākonga have been on throughout the term.

Koru Hub will be sharing their learning between 2-2.30pm. Please do not take your child home prior to 2.30pm. They must be signed out with their literacy teacher if you choose to take them home at 2.30pm. Otherwise, you can pick them up as normal from 2.50pm.

Pōhutukawa Hub will be sharing their learning between 2.20-2.50pm. At 2.50pm, please wait outside for your child to pick them up, as they will need to pack up their learning prior to leaving.

Koru Hub (2-2.30pm)

  • Tamariki in Angela and Wee Ai’s whānau will share their learning in Māwhero (pink carpet)

  • Tamariki in Sophia & Lauren’s literacy group will share their learning in Kākāriki (green carpet)

  • Tamariki in Hannah & Aleesha’s literacy group will share their learning in Karaka (orange carpet).

  • Tamariki in Kate & Lily’s literacy group will share their learning in Kōwhai (yellow carpet).

Pōhutukawa Hub (2.20-2.50pm)

  • Tamariki in Rupert and Sarah’s whānau will share their learning upstairs in Pōhutukawa Hub

  • Tamariki in Brydon, Charlotte, Gar Kee and Emma’s whānau will share their learning downstairs in Pōhutukawa Hub

We invite you to look at learning across the school, as well as your own child’s learning.

Any questions please contact your child’s whānau teacher.

Ngā mihi, 

The Amesbury team