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Amesbury School

Year 0-3 Swimming Carnival

Hannah Sadler - October 10, 2024

The Junior Swimming Carnival will be held at Tawa Pool on Monday 21st of October (Week 2).

Here is all the information you need to know:

  • Please complete this form for each of your children in Koru Hub for the carnival. 

  • Swimming will start at 10.15 am and we aim to finish by 1.45 pm. 

    • The Year 3’s will swim from 10.15 am to 11.45 am. 

    • The Years 0-2s will swim from 11.45 am to 1.45 pm. 

    • If you would like to know which group your child is in, here is the list.

  • The Year 3s have the option to participate in the laned swimming races. These will happen in the main pool (25 metres). Students have a choice between half-length and full-length races. It is recommended that students participating in the laned races be confident swimmers.

  • The fun activities will take place in the teaching pool. 

  • Whānau (family) are welcome to come along to watch the races. 

  • All students will need to bring togs and two towels. It is strongly recommended that you bring swimming goggles and a swimming cap. Please label all of your child's belongings, including their uniform. 

  • We encourage students to bring a big lunch with lots of snacks as students have a lot of energy while swimming and get very hungry!

We also are asking for parent volunteers as well. We need helpers to support students in the pool. Volunteers are welcome to wear togs or appropriate active wear. If you are interested, please email Hannah ( We cannot do it without your support!

If you have any questions about this event you can email Hannah ( or contact your child's whānau teacher.

Ngā mihi,

The Koru Hub Team