Urs Cunningham — Mar 27, 2024

Our School Board is made up of a small group of parents, our principal and a representative of the school staff. Together, this group is charged with the governance of Amesbury School, and with ensuring that the school is operating in a way that ensures all students are effectively cared for and supported to achieve their full potential.

This year, a key focus for our school board is that there is clear and effective communication between our board and our community, including our staff. This starts off with knowing who are board members are and how we can contact them. 

Our school board members are:

There is more information about our board members on our board page on the school website. You can click on the photograph of each member to see a more detailed bio about them. 

The Amesbury board has a school email, bot@amesbury.school.nz, where they can be contacted by parents and whānau. They are also happy for you to come and have a chat with them at any point. If you have any questions about the school, issues you would like to raise, or you are interested in being involved with the school board in any way, let myself or any board members know. 

Ngā mihi, 

The Amesbury School Board