Eilis Cassidy — May 19, 2022

We will hold a sausage sizzle at morning tea time on Thursday 2nd June alongside our annual Junior Invitational Cross Country at Amesbury.

Our own ākonga (students) are welcome to purchase sausages on this day too. The sausages will be served at morning tea time and there are three options available; regular, gluten free and vegetarian.

We invite you to order sausages for your child(ren) through our school Kindo shop. Sausages will cost $2. We ask that you have your order completed by 2pm on Monday 30th May. As the sausage sizzle will be held at morning tea time, we ask you to ensure that your child(ren) also have their own lunch for the day.

The money raised will go towards our senior camp at the end of the year. We need some parent support (at least 4 adults) to prepare and to run the BBQ from 9am until approximately noon. If you are able to help for some or all of the time, please email  kalesha@amesbury.school.nz