Hero photograph
Photo by John Murrihy

Amesbury Notices - 4 March 2024

John Murrihy —

A quiet week for notices this week but teaching and learning is full steam ahead ....

What's on this week?

  • Movin' March - all of March
  • 4-year-old Programme - 2-2.45pm Monday 4 March
  • Pedal Ready - Monday 4 & Tuesday 5 March
  • Share and Celebrate - 2.15pm Friday 8 March

Pedal Ready Cycle Skills Training Programme - Years 5 & 6

Pedal Ready concludes this week for our Year 5 & 6 ākonga (students).

Lisa has produced an Pedal Ready article which covers all the required information including  what they need to bring. She has also provided an updated group timetable - via HERO - due to the postponement of Wednesday's session.

If you have any questions, please email lisa@amesbury.school.nz.

Scholastic's Book Club

The latest Scholastic's Book Club issue is now available to view and for placing orders.

Please read the details of the latest issue and follow the easy link to place your order.

Online orders close on Friday 5 April.

Wanted - School Library Volunteers

Kirat is looking for volunteers to undertake some tasks in the library.

Please read what assistance she is looking for and, if you are willing and able to help, please contact Kirat - kirat@amesbury.school.nz

Shoe Boxes - more still needed

Koru Hub still need more empty shoe boxes. If you have any please either drop them off in the Hub or in the office. Thanks. 

School uniform

  • If you're looking for additional uniform items in small sizes, we currently have a good second-hand stock of size 4 & 6 polo tops ($10ea), and size 4 fleeces ($15ea), plus x2 size 4 fleeces in near new condition ($25ea)

Lunch orders

  • Due to the increased demand of Easter related orders over Easter week, on Wednesday 27th March, Nada Bakery will have a reduced school lunch order menu and the cut-off time to place or cancel orders is 7.30am that day
  • Could you be a Thursday Pizza helper?  

Te Papa Trip

Last week the school visited Te Papa to spend time with the dinosaurs.

Tamariki enjoyed the opportunity to get up close and touch some of the attractions. To read their reactions and see some of what they saw, please read Angela's Te Papa report.

Northern Zone Cricket

Amesbury had two teams at the Northern Zone Cricket this and it was fun in the sun for all.

For more details on what happened please read through Rupert's NZ Cricket report.

Kelly Club

This coming week at Kelly Club it's all about "Furry Friends". We will learn about different animals, bake puff pastries, play loads of games, and make our own animal masks. We can't wait to see you all there!

Image by: John Murrihy

Kelly Sports

Image by: John Murrihy

Community Notices


Johnsonville and Paparangi Scouts have space for youth (male and female) between the ages of 6-14. Keas age 5-8, Cubs 8-11, Scouts 11-14 and Venturers 14-18

Every year we help 13,000 young people in New Zealand enjoy new adventures, experience the outdoors, make new connections, and gain confidence. This includes outdoor activities and Leadership.

We are also on the lookout for new Leaders in our Group, it is a great and fun opportunity.

To make contact with us, please email Johnsonville@group.scouts.nz or paparangi@group.scouts.nz.

Image by: John Murrihy