John Murrihy — Apr 8, 2019

Last week 7 teams represented Amesbury at the PSW Futsal tournament at the ASB Sports Centre in Kilbirnie.

Years 5 & 6

Last week we took 24 Year 5 & 6 Harakeke students to attend the PSW Futsal Tournament. 

There were 118 teams entered in total so it was a busy and fun atmosphere at the ASB Sports Centre. Amesbury got to play against lots of different schools and demonstrated great teamwork, sportsmanship and enthusiasm. 

A huge thank you to the parents that came to help out on the day!

Years 1-4

On Thursday, April 4, 2019 Amesbury had four year 1-4 teams participate in the PSW Futsal Tournament. 

It was a busy day with about ten short games against schools from around the Wellington area. This was a huge success as both students - new to futsal and those well-seasoned in futsal - had an amazing experience getting on the court, kicking lots of futsal balls and working as a team. 

The year 1-4 teams had amazing sportsmanship and enthusiasm as they cheered each other on and worked together as a team. 

This wonderful day would not have been possible without the wonderful parent support. THANK YOU!