John Murrihy — Apr 13, 2020

School will be offsite and teachers will send a learning pack to all students on Wednesday morning with a week's worth of work.

What's been happening?

I've been checking out some of the activities that the kids have been undertaking and sending into their teachers. Like Lesley's and my family, there seems to be a lot of baking and creative stuff happening, which is awesome to see.

Additionally, our family is really into exercise, which some of you are too. Frequently, our kids share videos of particularly challenging exercises which they challenge their siblings to match. Not to be outdone, Lesley and I also participate (in our own special way). We send them photos of us having 'completed' the challenge. In reality, we just take staged photos. I'm pretty sure that our kids think that we cheated - which we have - but they have no proof. By the way, I don't condone cheating but given our age difference I think that we are entitled to be a little 'creative'.

On a related note, remember that our whole school campus, including the grounds and playgrounds, are closed.

We're continuing to keep in touch with the outside world "virtually", particularly with our children and grandchildren. I've no doubt that you are all doing the same. It's not the same as the real thing but it's really great that we live in an age that we have the technology available to do so.

Don't forget, if you haven't done so already, please provide some feedback for the new build.

Urs will keep you updated with the re-opening of the school campus and the move back to on-site learning.

In the meantime, please stay safe and stay connected with whānau, friends and those around you, especially older folk.