Rachael van Rij — Sep 12, 2018

Everything you need to know around and about school for the coming week.

In brief:

Happy Maori Language Week (Hari Wiki o Te Reo Maori)

As a school the kids will be creating a combined artwork to display our school pepeha. A pepeha is a way of showing personal and collective identity by acknowledging the geographical features of the area we come from. It is often shared as part of a mihi in a formal greeting.

Our combined artwork will show the maunga (mountain), awa (river) and other geographical features of our area as a way of displaying pride in who were are and demonstrate our commitment to te reo Māori in our school. The finished artwork will hang in our foyer. Tamariki will also be learning to recite the pepeha individually so that they are all able to share in tikanga of our kura.

Co-curricular lessons - we have a couple of classes available!

As we rollover to Term 4, we have a couple of places available in our timetable. If your child is interested in claiming one of these spaces, please reply (quickly!) to secure your place: 

For sale

Second hand uniform, beanie and polo tops - please see Rachel at the office:

Free visit to Zealandia?

You can visit the Zealandia eco-sanctuary in Wellington for free on Sunday 23 September, including an option for a free guided tour by the Zealandia guides. This offer is only available to those registered for the Memory Walk being held by Alzheimers NZ, one of 20 throughout NZ.

Memories are precious. That’s why this September, thousands of Kiwis will be walking to show their support for all those living with dementia. Let’s walk to remember. Let’s walk for dementia.

Come along and walk to show your support for people with dementia and their families, friends and care partners. Memory Walks are a great activity for people of all ages and abilities.

Register at http://www.alzheimers.org.nz/memorywalk

At 9.00am there will also be free guided walks of 1.5 hours taken by the Zealandia guides. Ending up at the start of the Memory Walk. Learn about NZ conservation, fauna and flora and the history and future of Zealandia. Places are limited and are booked separately from the Memory Walk. To book email memorywalk@alzheimers.org.nz . You also need to register for the Memory Walk at the link above.

The Memory Walk starts at 10.30 just inside the entrance and follows a flat path for about 1km. Arrive early Rata cafe will be open.

There are no admission charges from Memory Walkers. Register through the Memory Walk web page http://www.alzheimers.org.nz/memorywalk . You are free to spend stay in Zealandia until 5pm after the Memory Walk is finished.

Our Memory Walks are a great way to get out and about - all while raising more awareness of dementia.  Registration are now open here.

Toptal Scholarships for WomenToptal will award five scholarships to aspiring female leaders in five global regions: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. Each winner will receive (US)$10,000 and a year of weekly one-on-one mentoring by a Toptal expert.
For more information and to apply,  go to: https://www.toptal.com/scholarships-for-womenApplication deadlines depend on which region the applicant lives in. Application timelines are available on the scholarship website.