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Amesbury School

Our fabulous Week 6 Share and Celebrate ākonga by Urs Cunningham

Share & Celebrate Week 6

Urs Cunningham - March 8, 2024

Every fortnight we have a whole school Share and Celebrate in the hall, where we will gather as a school, sing some waiata (songs), and celebrate some of the fabulous things that have been happening in the past two weeks.

On Friday we held our third Share & Celebrate of the term, and spent time together as a whole school sharing positive things we have been noticing over the past few weeks.

Our Share & Celebrate events are not just for in-school achievements. If your child has been involved in something outside of school that deserves a mention in our celebrations, please let your child's whānau teacher know and we will add it to our list for the next Share & Celebrate.

Below are the ākonga who were celebrated this week.

  • Keone: For being really caring towards others in our year 4 whānau groups. You always look out for others and last week you cheered up friends when they were sad and looked after someone when they fell over. What a kind friend. 
  • Ariana: Amazing focusing on your independent reading task last week, researching and finding out interesting facts about kiwi birds. You found some fabulous facts, and you were really interested in what you were learning. Such super independent learning and focusing, Ariana.
  • Aashrith: For being such an awesome leader during literacy time - what a wonderful great mat master you are!
  • Bella, Clara and Yolanda: For helping lots of  teachers put all the bikes away neatly in the bike shed. Yolanda also helped a kaikao (teacher) put away the giant chess pieces, and was a brave upstander supporting a friend who was not being treated well by others.  Ka pai, well done!
  • Miesha, Durrah, Gabriella, Adrik: Super leadership helping out a student who wasn’t feeling well during lunchtime and letting the duty teacher know right away.
  • Ollie D and Ryker: You have been noticed helping to tidy and clean up after maths in kakariki without being asked. It was an amazing help for the kaiako! Ka pai.
  • Mikah: For being such an amazing and kind friend, rushing to get help when a friend from Māwhero was stuck on the playground and scared to get down. You stayed and checked she was okay, and told me you were helping her because she was in your class and you should all help each other. What a kind friend you are!
  • Hunter S: For noticing another child was doing their best in their learning and you said “Good job, I like your art”.
  • Surya:  You have been noticed by kaiako (teachers) consistently going above and beyond to help tidy the hub.
  • Logan L: Awesome work in maths, solving the problems and explaining to your kaiako how you solved them. You have been so focused on your learning, ka pai!
  • Eden: For taking initiative and cleaning up gum that had been placed under a table. What a yucky job and you did it ‘off your own bat’. I was very impressed.
  • Divan and Ahbirup: You both won the 'Spirit of Cricket' award at the cricket festival last week. You respected the opposition, played fairly and encouraged your teammates. Fabulous sporting behaviour. 
  • Alex Z, Arthur Y, Monty, and Victoria: For helping Rupert plant the herbs in the garden beds at lunchtime last week. You were all really helpful & curious, and you asked lots of questions. We can't wait to see what you grow!
  • Esita: For being an upstander and standing up for your brother, whether an adult is around or not. We are so proud of you showing your bravery and kindness. Kia kaha (stand strong). 
  • Benny: Benny, you have been very helpful and caring towards your peers. You often take up the responsibility to welcome our new tamariki into Māwhero, what a welcoming friend!
  • Alana, Vihaan, Hayley and Hassnain: During library time you volunteered to tidy up the library and did a great job of sorting out some of the shelves. Kirat was super pleased!
  • Tiffany and Angela Y: You two are exceptional role models when it comes to communicating and interacting positively with others. You treat everyone with care and respect, and you have been patient in listening and translating from Mandarin to English for our new ākonga this term.

Ka rawe, fabulous mahi from all of our amazing ākonga this week. Super efforts to our fabulous friends, our amazingly focused learners, our tidiers and helpers, and our brave upstanders. You all make our kura and community a nice and safe place to be. 

We are loving celebrating these achievements, and we can't wait to see the amazing efforts and contributions being celebrated in our next Share & Celebrate in Week 8.