Urs Cunningham — Jun 17, 2015

One of our Year 5 students, Josh Nel, has written a book review of an adventure book he really enjoys. Read on to see if it's a book you or someone you know might like. 

Here is Josh's review:

R. A. Spratt's latest novel, Nanny Piggins, is a combination of adventure and humour in a hilarious way. Nanny Piggins is a nanny to three children, Derrick, Samantha and Michael. 

Nanny Piggins goes on adventures with the children (mostly for cake). Nanny Piggins is a heroic and adventurous pig; Nanny Piggins enjoys eating humongous amounts of cake while hiking in deep, dark and dangerous forests. 

Adults like the subtle humour hidden within the book. Nanny Piggins is an enjoyable book for all ages. I highly recommend Nanny Piggins to everyone. If you're a fan of adventurous books, then you will love Nanny Piggins.