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Amesbury School

by John Murrihy

Te Papa Trip - Term 2

Jemima Colquhoun - May 11, 2023

To support our inquiry learning, all students will have the opportunity to go to Te Papa.

Kia ora koutou,

As part of our inquiry learning this term, all three hubs will be going on a day trip to Te Papa.

  • Koru Hub will have a session learning about Matariki. 
  • Harakeke will have a session about Active Earth - learning about earthquakes and volcanoes in Aotearoa. 
  • Pōhutukawa will have a session looking at our natural environment, then will use 3D design software and ‘Blue Sky Thinking’ in Te Papa’s Hīnātore | Learning Lab to create an invention or machine that will help to reduce or eradicate the threat.

There will be time for all groups to spend exploring the earthquakes, disasters, and nature.

  • Koru Hub will be going on Tuesday 13th June.
  • Harakeke will be going on Thursday 8th June.
  • Pōhutukawa will be going across two days - 20th June and 22nd June.

We will be requiring parent help for all three hubs, as we cannot run these trip opportunities without parent help.

If you are able to help, please contact the following teachers (for your child’s hub)

Koru Hub - Angela (

Harakeke Hub - Jemima (

Pōhutukawa Hub - Onaitta (

For Pōhutukawa, please let us know which day(s) you are available. We have not assigned students to a particular day at this stage from this hub.

Costs for this trip will be available closer to the time.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s whānau teacher, or Jemima -

Ngā mihi nui,

The Amesbury Team