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Amesbury School

by Communications Amesbury

School Notices: 21 - 28 March

Rachael van Rij - March 21, 2018

Everything you need to know around and about School for the next week.

Co-curricular Open Days for parents:  An email has been sent to parents of co-curricular lessons. You are most welcome to view your child participating in their lessons. Wednesday, 28th March - guitar, ukelele, drums and violin; Friday, 6th April - keyboard, gymnastics, speech and drama. 

Have you met our talented co-curricular teachers? Read more information about them below: 

Guitar & Ukelele is taught by Phil

Keyboard is taught by Bryn.

Drums are taught by Thomas

Speech & Drama are taught by Maneesha

Rhythmic Gymnastics is taught by Ellie

Violin is taught by Alex

Football Tournament: please see the attached photos from the tournament held on Tuesday last week at Alex Moore park in Johnsonville. 

Netball: registrations for netball close on Monday, 26th March. See the form here

Miniball: please see our Expression of Interest form here for Terms, 2, 3 and 4.

Easter Holidays Closure: Please note that School is closed for Good Friday, Easter Monday and Tuesday, 30th March - 3rd April. 

Lost /Found Property: We have a large box of unnamed/non-uniform items (many from Kelly Club) ready to be reunited with their owners (see attached photos). Any items not collected via the office, by Thursday 29th March will be donated to charity. 

Late Arrivals to School: A friendly reminder that students must be signed in at the office if they arrive at school after 9am.

Drop-off/Pick-up Zone in Car Park:  Please help us keep the traffic moving in the car park by reminding/advising anyone that drives students to/from school, that drivers are to park cars (or wait) in a marked car park while students are being taken in to or collected from their hub. Please do not park or wait in the drop-off/pick-up zone. Please see our Carpark Safety article here, together with a Mandarin translation. 

Entertainment book: have you signed up for yours yet? See here for more information. Who doesn't like discounts for restaurants and entertainment?!

Uniform for Sale: 1 x striped polo shirt (size 10) - $39. Brand new, only removed from the packaging to try on. Selling as it is too big. Contact Renee 021 062 9327 /