John Murrihy — Sep 12, 2021

Welcome back to onsite learning - there are 3 more weeks left this term.

Alert Level 2

While we remain in Alert Level 2 we are minimizing formal activities that bring people beyond our Level 2 boundaries that are not students or staff. However, if you need to come onsite please either sign in at the Hub if that is where you are going, or the office for all other visits. While onsite we ask that you maintain social distancing and we also strongly recommend that you wear a mask.

Term 3 Online Conferences

Amesbury School will be holding our second round of student conferences in the final week of this term. Due to our current alert level, these conferences will be held online.

An article with all of the details, including how to book, are included in the HERO notification that you received on 12 September.

Scholastic Book Club

The latest Scholastic Book Club is still available and your tamariki will have brought home a copy of the catalogue prior to lockdown. Additionally, you can access it online.

Check Regina's article for all the details. 

Orders close this Friday, 17 September.

Window Designs for the New Building

In our current buildings, you will have noticed a series of white circles on our glass doors as a safety feature.

In our new building, Vanessa Shilston, a former kaiako (teacher) at Amesbury School, along with groups of students, have worked on something different and exciting for these safety features.

Please check these designs out for yourself and provide Urs ( with any feedback that you have.

Community Notices

Olympic Junior Athletics

Registrations are now open for the Junior Athletics Season. Athletics is a great sport for developing running, jumping and throwing for all ages.

For further information including times, dates and membership fees, check out

Image by: John Murrihy