Kelly Club and Kelly Sports
Chris Waugh - November 22, 2017
Kelly Club Amesbury Pre-Christmas holiday programme from 14th December (from 1pm) through to Friday 22nd December 2017, activities include; Wet N Wild, Scavenger Hunt, Cup cake decorating, Sports, Christmas Activities games and much more.
Kelly Club Amesbury January Holiday Programme is starting from the 8th January 2018 – 29 January 2018.
Kelly Club Holiday Programmes focus on giving children aged between 5 and 13 the opportunity to do things they enjoy in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment. The programmes are packed with activities to entertain and inspire children.
For full details and to enrol into our programmes visit email or call 021 133 2891
Kelly Sports will be back in Term 1 with their fun and exciting classes.
“Back to School Sports” (Yrs 1-4) – Friday 3.05pm-4.05pm - Come and try Football, Cricket, Turbo Touch and Dodgeball. Try 2 weeks each of these sports. We use games & drills to teach game sense and team play.
It’s a great way to try new sports, learn new skills and improve ability. We use games & drills to teach game sense and team play. Learn the fundamental skills for all sports – throwing, running, jumping, striking, balance and many more – all while having a great time!
JANUARY FOOTBALL MORNING HOLIDAY WORKSHOP (Yrs 1–6) Wests Club Rooms, Wilton (all weather indoor surface). Improve technique by working on the core skills of control, dribbling, passing, tackling & shooting with head coach Martin.
Tues, Wed & Thurs 9.30am-12.30pm (9th, 10th & 11th Jan/16th, 17th & 18th Jan/23rdth, 24th & 25th Jan).
For full details and to enrol into our programmes visit email or call 04 972 7201