Holiday Activity Ideas
John Murrihy - April 4, 2024
Kelly Club Holiday Programme
Kelly Club Holiday Programmes focus on giving children aged between 5 and 13 the opportunity to do things they enjoy in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment.
The programme is packed with activities to entertain and inspire children.
We have some exciting days planned: Wheels Day, Kelly Club Ninjas Day, Musical Mayhem Day, Colour Me Crazy Day, plus trips to Zealandia, Police Museum, Aotea Lagoon and Zappo the Magician and the Kelly Sports Bouncy castle is coming to Kelly Club plus lots more!
To enrol and in the school box put “Amesbury” email or call 021 133 2891.
Kelly Sport Holiday Programme
Football – Green Room, Wests Rugby Clubrooms, Ian Galloway park, Wilton
Week 1 - Tues 16, Weds 17, Thurs 18 April 2024
For years 1-8
Perfect for "Beginner's" and those just wanting to have fun. Come along and improve technique, knowledge and skills. We will focus on the core skills of control, dribbling, passing, tackling and shooting but MOST importantly having as much FUN as possible!
Sign up for 1 day or all 3 days!
Its great practice for over the holidays and to keep your football skills going.
To enrol into our programmes visit email or call 04 972 7201.
Holiday Drama Programme
Maneesha, who teaches our Speech & Drama and Communications Skills co-curricular lessons is offering the following holiday programme:
Whodunnit? at Wellington City SPYbraries
Visit our blog for the full list of events, times and locations: WHODUNNIT? at Wellington City SPYbraries ( Some events require registration, but all are totally free.
Newlands Rugby Club
This is open to players from any club - come join us for some skills, drills and fun! All skill levels catered for and ages 5-14!
A special discount if you are an NJRC player and pay your subs at the same time.
Check out this form:
AKOTECH CodeCamps - Early Discounts
Our holiday camp allows children from the ages of 7-12 to develop 21st century skills in a fun and action packed environment. Create and train your own AI Avatars, make games, code robots & go to work for a simulated Tech Gaming Studio to build games for a big pretend client.
Develop confidence & initiative through design, creativity, solving problems, presenting & collaboration. Create your own games, worlds and apps to make our world a better place.
We also have Literati Lab just for girls
Venues: Queen Margaret College, Thorndon
Dates: 15th - 18th & 22nd - 26th April
Book Now
April Holiday Computer Classes
Grand Training runs educational and fun computer classes over the holidays at our Wellington City location for ages 5 to 16.
- Minecraft from Introduction to Mods and Servers
- Learn to Code; Scratch, Python, Java.
- Code and Create 3D Games
- Web Design, HTML and CSS
- Build a PC
- Film and Video Editing
- Discovery Course in Computing - suitable for younger children
- Online Safety and Privacy
Information & bookings: or call 499-2211
Total Touch Holiday Programme
We invite players from 5-14 years to join us these holidays - but get in quick - places are limited!
- Dates: 15, 17 and 18 April - (Note no session on the 16th of April)
- From 9-3pm at Petone Rugby Clubrooms- Udy Street, Petone.
- Just $30 a day.
- Register here-
STEM Holiday Programme
Wellington North Badminton
Badminton Holiday Programme
Badminton fun for ages 6+ Monday 15, Tuesday 16 and Friday 19 April 2024.
9am-midday. $20 per day or $55 for all 3 days.
Racketlon Holiday Programme
Once again Tawa Tennis, Tawa Squash and Wellington North Badminton are running the Racketlon holiday programme these school holidays.
Players rotate around each sport spending 1.5 hours at each club. Qualified coaches will take each session.
Please note holiday programme is for age 6 years and older.
Monday 22, Wednesday 24, and Friday 26 April 2024, 9am - 3pm
Cost per day: $55 a day or $150 for all 3 days.
For more information contact Babette at
'Aya and the Butterfly' - Puppetry and Music for ages 3 to 9 years
- Circa Theatre Wellington, April 13th - 27th, 2024. Book tickets HERE
- NZSL interpreted performance; 13th April at 11.30am.
- Relaxed performance; 17th April at 10am.
- Audio Described performance and Touch Tour; 24th April at 10am.
Ngā Manu Nature Reserve
Come join us on Tuesday 23rd April at 11am for a very special puppet show by the extremely talented String Bean Puppets:
- “Flutter” A short tailed bat who is afraid of the dark is befriended by a sparkly glow worm who thinks she is a star. The show is for 3-10 year olds. It’s about over coming your fears and includes some of Aotearoa's unique fauna and flora and the threats they face. The threat of introduced predators to our native species and the relationship between the short tailed bat and Te Pua o te Rēinga (Dactylanthus) is part of this story. The puppet show will be followed by a short talk from our Head Ranger about Te Pua o te Rēinga (Dactylanthus). Then we’ll give you the opportunity to view this rare plant which is in flower at our reserve.
- Entry to Flutter is by koha. For those wanting to see Te Pua o te Rēinga in flower, standard admission fees will apply.
On Thursday 25th April (Anzac Day) at 1pm we have a story telling session with local author Bianca Begovich.
- Bianca is a children’s writer and yoga teacher. She has published six books for children about caring for the environment through CreateBooks. All will be available for sale at Nga Manu as she reads her story 'The Earth and Me' on Thursday 25th April. She is also a published poet and in 2016 was awarded second place in the Rangitawa short story competition for her story about 'Koro Jack', an old whitebait who travels his local rivers and out to sea. She lives in Kāpiti with her husband, three teenagers, one dog, eight chickens and several thousand bees.
- Entry is free for this session. Standard admission fees apply for those who wish to explore the reserve before or after.
We’re also open every day during the holiday break from 10am to 5pm. For families we have concession passes available, which include entry for up to 3 children. Click here for more detail.