Hero photograph
Amesbury School Community Hall
Photo by Beckie Duffy

Term 4 Community Evening Wednesday 15 November, 5.30pm

Chris Waugh —

Join us to celebrate the diversity of our school, with food, performances and workshops, plus fun activities for the kids!

Our final community evening of the year will begin at 5.30, in the Hall. Meet, mix and mingle, grab a light meal and enjoy our Chinese, Indian, and Sri Lankan dance group performances. You will see posters on the wall around the Hall, and you will be invited to contribute words to those posters in your own languages, so make sure to bring not only yourselves, but an eagerness to share your own languages and cultures. 

The children will then attend workshops that include kungfu, Chinese calligraphy, and Chinese dance, while the adults will attend a series of workshops on:

  • Bilingualism - treasuring more than one language.
  • Te Reo and Tikanga - sharing perspectives as tangata whenua.
  • A presentation by Sean O'Connor of the Asia New Zealand Foundation.

Altogether, it looks like being a fascinating event, so mark it in your diaries and on your calendars, and make sure to bring all your languages and cultures to share with the school community.

A big thanks goes to the Asia New Zealand Foundation for sponsoring this event.