Urs Cunningham — Dec 3, 2023

Kia ora e hoa mā,

It has been a fast paced energetic week around school, with lots going on across all of the hubs.

All of this excitement and fun doesn’t happen without a lot of preparation, time and energy. HUGE thanks to our fabulous kaiako (teachers) and kaimahi (staff) for all of their amazing mahi with this. Your work offers great opportunities to our ākonga, and we really appreciate it. Huge thanks also to all of our parents and whānau who come along and help on trips and sleep overs. Again, we can’t run these events without you and we are truly grateful for your support with this.

Next week promises to be another big week, with Surf Life Saving Education happening on most days. Across the school, hubs will be running transition days next week, where ākonga will be based in their hub / learning space for 2024. They will start on Monday in their current hub, to help with a smooth and consistent start to the week. As they move through the day, groups will move to their new learning spaces, and they will then be based in those new spaces for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week. By Friday they will move back to their current hubs, and they will end the year with their current whānau group.

As we move into the final couple of weeks, it can be useful to have a reminder of the different events coming up:

We will send out an article in next Friday’s digest about the last few days of school, giving more detail about each event.

And finally, a HUGE farewell to Ciara, who finishes her time at Amesbury School today. Ciara will be travelling back home to Ireland with her partner next week. We have loved having Ciara as part of our fabulous Pōhutukawa team this year, and we will miss her hugely. All the very best, Ciara. Take lots of Kiwi love and best wishes back home with you. 

Ngā mihi nui, Urs Cunningham