Share and Celebrate Week 8 Term 2
Urs Cunningham - June 21, 2024
Our Share & Celebrate events began this year as a time for to acknowledge and celebrate ākonga (students) who they have noticed doing something great. This can be for anything from an act of kindness, to great efforts in learning or taking care of the environment. Parents can also let kaiako (teachers) know of anything fab that their child has done outside of school, and this can also be shared.
Here are the ākonga who were celebrated with a shout out this week:
All of the students who represented Amesbury School so well at the Wellington Interschool Chess tournament:
Andy, Hanson, John, Kishore, Kyle, Taksheel, Adam, Jaden W, Reyaansh, Sueli, Victoria, and Yiqi.
Particular congratulations to the chess team of Andy, Hanson, Kyle, and John. This team were awarded silver medals for placing second. They have qualified for the national chess tournament - ka rawe, awesome work!
All of the fabulous competitors who represented Amesbury School at Inter Zone Cross Country:
Annabel, Luca C, Vedant, Anna, Arthur Y, Basti, Johnson, Ruby, Josh, Lina
All of our amazing Amesbury's Got Talent finalists.
Aanya, Zoe, Nia, Anandi, Nivaan, Ruby, Anna, Shenaya, Sueli, Taksheel, and Hayley B.
You were all captivating and so talented. Well done for being brave enough to share your fabulous talents with the whole school. Ka pai to our place getters: third place was awarded to Aanya, second place was awarded to Zoe, and the much coveted first place award was given to Sueli and Shenaya, for their fabulous dance performance. Well done to you all.
John H and Kyle: You both participated in the Kapiti Rapid chess tournament on Saturday (June 8th). It's an open tournament and John won 1st place (tied) in the under-10 division. The tournament is under NZCF and is a rated one - well done to you both!
Tiffany and Angela Ya: Tēnā kōrua (thank you to you both) for going outside in the rain and grabbing lunch boxes and a fleece jacket left outside, so they didn’t get wet. No-one asked you to do it, you just saw something that needed doing and you did it. Great leadership!
Mackenzie: Mackenzie, you regularly display kaitiakitanga (guardianship). When you see rubbish in the playground, you pick it up and put it in a rubbish bin. Thank you for taking care of our environment!
Cassidy, Izzy, and Shiloh: You gave up one lunch time to tidy up the Pōhutukawa space and get it looking spick and span. You took great care returning belongings to their owners and seeing things that needed to be done without being asked. Thank you for your positive contribution to our space.
Ollie, James, Lydia, Pranami, and Niharika: Not only once but multiple times you have used your morning tea and lunch time to clean up our school; you have taken the initiative to grab plastic bags and gloves to make sure our kura is looking spic and span. We appreciate all your hard mahi (work)!
Well done to all of our fabulous ākonga (students) celebrated and acknowledged this week. Your guardianship around the school, help and support for others, and fabulous representation of yourselves and our school helps to make our kura a wonderful place to be. Ka pai te mahi, well done.