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Amesbury School

by Demelza Topp

Year 5 & 6 End of Year Activities Week

Demelza Topp - April 14, 2021

This is the initial information article for our Year 5 & Year 6 Activities Week which will take place in Week 7 of Term 4. In this article, we provide a brief overview of the two options for the week as well as some specific details about the South Island camp.

Activities Week will take place once formal learning has concluded for the year and we have had our final learning celebration. This year, we will have two options for students to choose from - the South Island camp or Out and About in Wellington.

Please note that we only offer camp as an option every second (odd) year, which is a change from previous years. Every other (even) year, we will offer activities based around five strands (e.g. outdoor adventures, arts, innovation). Students will opt into one strand for the whole week and will participate in a range of activities both at school and around Wellington.

As part of our Year 5 & 6 Activities Week this year, students have the choice of travelling down to the beautiful Queen Charlotte Sound for five days of amazing sights and activities. Demelza, Kalesha, Andy, Gar Kee and Onaitta will be the teachers going on the South Island camp. Further information about this camp is included below.

The other option for students is to stay in Wellington and participate in a range of local activities, both at school and in offsite locations around Wellington. Michélle will be the teacher staying with this group. However, we will increase the number of teachers staying at school as necessary, if the number of students staying at school warrants this. We will provide specific information about the ‘Out and About in Wellington Activities Week’ once we have confirmed the activities.

Covid Contingency:

Alert Level 1: If we are in Alert Level 1, our Activities Week, including the camp, will go ahead with all the normal provisions. We will ensure we have plenty of hand sanitiser and soap for students to use both at school and in public places, including the ferry. We will also work with students to support them to social distance from other people in public places, including the ferry. We will be the only school at Kiwi Ranch - Curious Cove.

Alert Level 2: As per the direction from the Ministry of Education, our end of year Activities Week will go ahead under Alert Level 2. We will follow the increased health and safety practices, including wearing masks on the ferry. Please note that we may need to make small changes to our programme, and we will keep you apprised of any changes that may happen.

Alert Level 3 and Alert Level 4: Our Activities Week will not go ahead if we are in Alert Level 3 or Alert Level 4. We will refund the whole amount that has been paid in this case. If we move to these levels during the week, please be assured that we will be able to catch a ferry back to Wellington, and that we will take increased health and safety precautions, such as staying in one part of the ferry away from other passengers, wearing masks and ensuring that sanitising and hand washing happens regularly throughout the trip back to Wellington.

While we will take all necessary health and safety precautions, we understand that choosing to send your child on the South Island camp is a big decision as we do not know what will be happening with Covid in November/December. Please be assured that if you sign your child up for camp now and then change your mind up until a week before the camp is due to run, we will refund the full amount you have paid. If you change your mind about your child attending camp within one week of the camp starting, you will need to pay the full camp fee.

The rest of this article will provide further details about camp.


The Year 5 and 6 camp will take place from Monday, 29th November 2021 - Friday, 3rd December 2021 (Week 7 of Term 4).

The location for the Year 5 and 6 camp will be Kiwi Ranch - Curious Cove in the beautiful Marlborough Sounds. Here is a link to the website.


Amesbury School to Curious Cove: Monday 29th November - Ferry leaves at about 9:00am and arrives in Picton at 12:30pm. Board a launch (boat) to Curious Cove (because it is only accessible by boat) that arrives at 2:00pm.

Curious Cove to Amesbury: Friday 1st December - Depart Curious Cove at 12:00pm by launch (boat). Board the ferry back to Wellington which will arrive at about 5:45pm.

*We will confirm the exact timings closer to the camp.

Camp Programme:

Activities have been planned with the Kiwi Ranch - Curious Cove coordinators to ensure the activities are age and ability appropriate. We are still in the process of confirming the exact activities that will happen at camp.

*We will confirm these activities closer to camp, but they will include kayaking, swimming, jetty jumping, confidence course and flying fox.

Monday: Travel to Curious Cove

Tuesday: Climb Mount Kahikatea

Wednesday: Group 1 - launch (boat) trip; Group 2 - camp activities

Thursday: Group 1 - camp activities; Group 2 - launch (boat) trip

Friday: Travel to Wellington

Camp Cost:

The total cost we charge each student will be $350. Most of the cost for this camp is made up of activities, transportation, meals and accommodation.

*Please note that this is a subsidised cost because of all the fundraising we have planned this year.

Camp Permission Form

Please click on the link to fill in the camp permission form by Friday 14th May (end of Week 2 Term 2). We ask that all parents fill out the camp permission form, even if your child is not planning to attend the camp. This will help us with organising the Year 5 & 6 Activities Week.

Camp Payment Schedule:

Full payment of $350 must be paid by Friday 1st September, or if parents prefer, they can pay on the following schedule:

  • $50 first payment by 14th May

  • $100 second payment by 11 June

  • $100 third payment by 16 July

  • $100 fourth payment by 1st September

*All students participating in the South Island Camp must have paid at least $50 by 14 May.

You should make your payment using the school’s online shop. If you haven’t used this yet, here’s the link. You will need to register the first time you use the shop, and then top up your account so you have credit. By the end of next week, the option to “purchase” the Years 5 & 6 Camp will be available on the site. There will be 4 payment options to choose from as per the breakdown above, which means you will be able to opt to pay just the deposit, or one, two or all three of the three subsequent payments.

Parent Help:

As always parent help is needed and appreciated for camp to go ahead. The camp that we are attending requires a ratio of 1 adult to 6 students so we will be looking to take up to 9 parents on camp with us. Please note that the number of parents we take will depend on the number of students who opt to join us for the South Island camp. In previous years there has been a big response to assisting with camp, especially with South Island camps. While we would love to include everyone, costs and space prevent us from doing so - we have a maximum number of additional parents we are able to take on camp with us.

Please note that there will be a cost of $350 for each parent who is attending camp. This is a change to our normal procedure - we have not charged parents for camp in previous years. However, the increasing cost of camp and travel, as well as the number of adults we need to take to meet health and safety requirements, has significantly increased the overall cost of the camp.

There is a section on the consent form regarding parental help on camp. If you are interested in attending camp please indicate this on the form. After the form completion deadline (Friday, 14th May) we will notify all parents who have expressed an interest in attending the camp to let you know of our final decision.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Demelza ( or Kalesha (