Hero photograph
Photo by Gail Greenslade

2022 School Board Elections - Declaration of Results

Gail Greenslade —

Nominations for this year’s triennial Board of Trustee elections closed last week, below are the results and information on what happens next.

Parent Representatives

As we have only received 3 nominations for the five parent representative positions, all three candidates are now confirmed as successfully being elected to form the new school board.

The successful candidates are:

  1. John Bunting (Returning)
  2. Trejan Perera (New)
  3. Shyam Tumuluri (New)

Staff Representative

The staff have also completed their process to elect their representative for the board and have returned Kalesha Segatta for another term.


Gail Greenslade

Returning Officer, Amesbury Board Elections

School Board Elections - next steps

Firstly, congratulations to our two new parent trustees and Kalesha as staff representative.

I would also like to at this time thank our four departing board members for their time and efforts in supporting Amesbury School. They have all given freely of their time and expertise to ensure the professional and smooth governance of our school. To David Robiony-Rogers, Sarah Gailitis, Sophie Scott, and Crystal Shan a huge thank you and we wish you well for all your future endeavours.

As we still have two vacancies on the Board, I thought I would outline for our school whānau the next steps that need to be taken.

As per the Act, the two parent positions that have not been filled now become 'casual vacancies' and the new Board (once it meets) has up to 8 weeks to determine how it will look to fill the positions. There are two main options for filling these positions:

1. A second election (effectively a bi-election) is held to try to gain further nominations.

a. If the number of nominations equals the number of positions, then the candidates will be deemed elected. If the nominations are greater than the available positions, then a vote will be conducted to confirm the successful candidates.

2. The Board can look to 'select' up to two trustees directly, keeping in mind how to best create a Board with the diversity and skills to effectively govern the school.

a. When ‘selection’ is used the number of 'selected’ trustees must always be less than the number of ‘elected’ trustees.

The outgoing Board will have its final meeting on the 31st August, with the new Board taking over from the following meeting on the 28th of September.

Following that meeting, there will be more communications on how we intend to fill the two vacancies. For now, I would like to encourage you to consider putting yourself forward for one of the vacant trustee positions. If you had considered standing but were unsure of what being a Board member entailed, or if you would like to put yourself forward for a position, please contact me either via email or phone and we can have a chat to cover any questions you may have.


John Bunting

Amesbury Board, Presiding Member

Email – jbunting@xtra.co.nz

Mobile – 027 3841500