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Amesbury School

by John Murrihy

He Tohu Trip 2020

Jemima Colquhoun - January 30, 2020

As part of our Module 1 Inquiry looking at Te Tiriti o Waitangi, all hubs will have the opportunity to go to the National Library to the He Tohu exhibit.

On this trip, students will have the opportunity to see Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi), as well as the suffragette petition and New Zealand's Declaration of Independence, as part of a guided tour. More information on what He Tohu offers can be found here

This links with our inquiry, where students are exploring Te Tiriti and its place in both a historical context and present day Aotearoa New Zealand. The following days will be when each hub will visit the exhibition:

Harakeke Hub - Thursday 20 February (Week 4)

Koru Hub - Tuesday 25 February (Week 5)

Pōhutukawa Hub - Tuesday 3 March (Week 6)

Pōhutukawa Hub students will also visit Parliament on a guided tour, and have time exploring the area. 

The cost for the trip will be $6 per child. Invoices have now been added to student accounts in the online shop. We ask that this trip invoice is paid prior to the trip. 

All students will need to wear their school uniform, including school fleece, for the trip. As it is a summer term, all students must have their school hat with them. Please also send them with a warm rain coat. Students will need a well-stocked lunch box, as trip days tend to make children very hungry, and they must have a water bottle. Please do not order lunch for your child for the day they are on trip as we will not be at school at lunchtime.

We do require whānau support for this trip to go ahead. He Tohu and Parliament both require a ratio of 1:8. Please let us know if you can be a parent help on the day. If you are able to help out, please email the team leader of your child's hub. 

Koru Hub - Amaria (

Harakeke Hub - Kristen (

Pōhutukawa Hub - Kalesha (

If you have any questions about the trip, please contact either your child's leader or Demelza (