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Amesbury School

by Rupert Webb

Northern Zone Hockey - Yr 5&6 - REGISTER NOW

Rupert Webb - May 23, 2024

National Hockey Stadium - 10am to 1:30pm, 25 June 2024

Sign up your year 5 or 6 child now for the Northern Zone Hockey Festival.

If your child plays club hockey on the weekend, please let me know on the form.

Register here

Registrations close 9am Friday 31st May (next Friday). Please ask any questions in the school week prior to this. Unfortunately, we cannot accept late registrations.

Date: Tuesday 25 June 2024 (postponement Thursday 27 June)

Venue: National Hockey Stadium, Newtown

Time: 10am to 1.30pm

Grade: Years 5&6

Transport & supervision: We will need parents to transport the students from school to the venue and back to school. Each team needs one parent to supervise and umpire.

General: Amesbury can enter up to two squads. Teams consist of 8 players with rolling subs. Students must wear mouth-guards and shin pads provided by their parents. The school has hockey sticks and balls if students do not have these. Please see the attached file for the rules.

The event is designed to be a fun occasion for participants of any standard. Register here.

If you have any further questions you can email me on

Ngā mihi nui


(Sports Coordinator)