Kirat Singh — Jan 26, 2023

NZ Dance Challange @school is back!

Dear Parents and caregivers,

In terms 1 and 2 we will be running free dance lessons at lunch time, on Wednesdays. This year the children will be learning a special dance for Matariki. Children will enjoy the benefits of free lessons and then opt in for the competition if they want.

Matariki is such a special time and we hope your students enjoy coming together to take part and gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of Matariki through their involvement in the NZ Dance Challenge.

This is a fun and exciting opportunity for students to learn, perform and share a dance routine along with other NZ schools. It provides a safe, age appropriate platform for children to participate in and enjoy the benefits of dance. This is also a great opportunity for children to get active, motivated and to work together towards a common goal. We want to bring all the very best elements of learning dance right into our school with tutorials and support from NZ Dance. Plus, there are some exciting prizes we could win.

Each school who is participating in the NZ Dance Challenge will learn a routine, record themselves performing this routine and then submit their video. We require your consent for your child to be part of this dance video as it will be uploaded to a site outside of our school. Here is the link to the consent form, please complete this by the 10th February 2023.

We will send you more resources and videos once the children have registered.

Thank you for your support. If you have any further questions please email me