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Amesbury School

by Eilis Cassidy

Such fun at Athletics Day 2022

Eilis Cassidy - October 21, 2022

The sun shone brightly on the last Tuesday of Term 3 for our 2022 Senior Athletics Day at Newtown Park.

The weather conditions were perfect for athletics as our tamariki packed into the stands at Newtown Park. They were full of excitement for a day's worth of races and events.

Following a quick snack and top-up of sunscreen, the students were ready to get started and quickly made their way to their first station of the morning. They went on to compete in the long jump, quoits, vortex, short sprint, long sprint, 800m and the much loved high jump.

Click here to view photographs from the day.

It was truly great to experience so many of our tamariki being supportive and encouraging of one another whilst having a big smile on their faces.

For any of our tamariki in Y4-6 that achieved a qualifying distance or grade, the Northern Zones Athletics Championship will take place on Monday 14th November at Newtown Park from 9:30am. Click here to view the results and to see who qualified for the next stage. Eilís will be in touch with further details about Northern Zones soon.

The Y3's had a wonderful first experience of the different events and thoroughly enjoyed having a go at everything on offer. View the top Y3 finishers here. Our thanks to the parent helpers who made the day and transitions between events very smooth. You were a great help to the kaiako and tamariki on the day and your efforts were much appreciated. A big ngā mihi to our own Amesbury teachers who worked tirelessly at each of the different stations throughout the day.

Best wishes to those who will represent our kura (school) at the next stage.

Kind regards,
