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Amesbury School

by Urs Cunningham

ICAS Exam Results 2021

Urs Cunningham - November 11, 2021

ICAS exams are a series of international competitions in a range of learning areas. This year Amesbury offered four ICAS exams - Digital Technology, Science, Maths, and English.

We had a small group of year 3-6 students who chose to enter into the international academic competitions this year, whether it was for one exam, some of them, or all four. We would like to extend a big well done to all students who participated in these exams this year.

We would like to say a special well done to students who scored particularly highly in any of their exams. Students who complete each exam receive a Participation award. The top 1% receive a High Distinction award. Students in the next 10% of scores receive a Distinction award. Those who score in the next 25% receive a Credit award and those who score in next 10% receive a Merit award.

Science exam

Merit: Oliver H, Riyaan, Arya

Credit: Jiya L, Veda, Felix, Kingsley, Xiangyi 

Distinction: Angie 

English exam

Merit: Vrusha

Credit: Oliver H, Felix, Akithma, Briona, Dom, Xiangyi

Distinction: Angie, Chloe H

Digitial Technology exam

Merit: Oliver H, Briona, 

Credit: Jiya L, Veda, Angie, Mateo, Arya, Chloe H, Xiangyi

Distinction: Felix, Kingsley, Dom

Maths exam

Merit: Oliver H, Mateo, Caden, Briona, Chloe H, Andy

Credit: Caelyn, Jiya L, Veda, Felix, Elizabeth, Angie, Jayden, Arya 

Distinction: Kingsley, Dom

Well done to all students for their hard work and effort in the ICAS exams this year.