Chromebook Home Agreement in the event of an alert level change
John Murrihy - February 19, 2021
Kia ora koutou,
We have recently been looking at ways to make sudden shifts in alert levels as smooth and straightforward as possible, particularly if it involves a shift to distance learning. This has coincided with our move this week to alert level 2.
As part of this preparation, we are sending out consent forms for all students in Harakeke and Pōhutukawa Hubs, to allow them to take their school Chromebook and charger home in the event of a move to distance learning. Please note that this is not in relation to our recent alert level change - we do not necessarily anticipate moving to distance learning at this point in time. However, there is a chance that distance learning may be needed at some point, and we are simply looking to be as prepared as possible.
The consent information sheet is linked here. The consent form is linked further down, and is to enable you to let us know that you would like your child/ren to take their school device home, in the event of a change to alert level 3 or 4. If we can be prepared for this, we can avoid parents needing to come back to school to pick up devices at a later stage.
The device that students in Harakeke and Pōhutuakwa will be bringing home would be their allocated school Chromebook. Children in Koru Hub do not have their own allocated devices, and they complete far less learning on devices. The home learning devised for Koru students will rely much less on access to a device.
To aid us with our planning, please send through your consent to your child’s hub IT lead teacher:
Harakeke Hub = Lisa Bengtsson -
Pōhutukawa Hub = Andy Little -
It is fine to complete one consent message for multiple children across both teams - simply complete one form and add all children.
You can give Chromebook consent by completing the form for the appropriate Hub below:
Ngā mihi nui,
The Amesbury team