What have we been up to in Pōhutukawa Hub recently?
Kalesha Segatta - August 4, 2022
Communication Arts
During this inquiry module, we have explored the material world through our focus on ‘Living Sustainably’. Through this, we have been engaging in learning about science and technology, and looking at the process that scientists go through when investigating a key question or wondering. Specifically, we have explored a range of resources about baking, textiles, construction, fire and weather and have discussed how this learning can help us to live more sustainably in the future. Our students then chose one of these topics to explore further in their ourTime groups where they worked together to design something that can be used in a school of the future. This week, our students have been working hard to develop prototypes of their designs to present to the 'guest judges' during our 'Dragon's Den' inspired competition next week. We have attached some pictures of some of the projects.
One of the most enjoyable things about our writing programme this term has been our focus on persuading people to think in a certain way. Our students have had to work hard to develop their knowledge and use of persuasive language to construct compelling arguments and debates.
In maths, we have been focussing on problem-solving, in particular using our multiplication and division strategies. We have been looking at approaching problems from a different perspective and thinking outside of the box. Each week, we spend one session exploring a range of problems where we discuss the key skills involved and the strategies that can be used to support us in solving them. We then spend two days engaging in skill-based workshops. Teachers allocate a workshop for the children to attend based on their Hero goals on one of these days, and on the other, the students opt into their own choice of workshop based on their perception of their learning and needs. On the final day, we apply our learning from the previous days by exploring one, hands-on problem with a small group.
Te Reo Māori Highlights
Recently, we have been learning a new karakia (blessing) and waiata (song). Have you heard your child singing Hūtia? If not, please ask them to sing their heart out at home for you!
We have also spent some time revising our mihimihi (introduction of ourselves) and also learning how to ask and respond to questions such as:
- Ko wai tō ingoa? (what is your name?);
- Kei te pēhea koe? (How are you feeling?);
- He aha tēnei? (What is this?).
Kaitiakitanga Roles
In Pōhutukawa, each student has chosen a new kaitiakitanga (guardianship) role for the remainder of the year. These roles enable them to develop their leadership in a particular area. Each kaitiakitanga group meets once a fortnight to collaborate, strategize and problem solve alongside the teacher that has oversight of their leadership role. Our students carry out their kaitiakitanga roles with mana (pride) and determination each week.
Our kaitiakitanga roles include:
- Road Patroller
- Librarian
- Peer Mediator
- IT Monitor
- Sports Monitor
- Fundraiser
- Amesbury TV
For coaching, we have focussed on developing plans to achieve our Journey of Growth and Development goals. Each of our students has their own "Growth and Development Trophy Cabinet" where they keep track of the goals that they have already achieved. This provides us with ample opportunities to celebrate the awesome achievements that our students make each and every day. When engaging in coaching conversations with each other, our students focus on their Journey of Growth and Development goals and the plan of action that they want to put in place to ensure that they achieve their goals. Each of our students is able to access their trophy cabinet from home, so please ask them to show you and tell you all about it.
Please click here to see a range of photographs that we have taken in our hub recently. Here are some photographs of the food our students focussing on kai for inquiry have been creating.