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Amesbury School

by Regina Singh

Wellington Lantern Festival Competition 2021

Regina Singh - April 2, 2021

This Year we took part in the Wellington Lantern Festival competition. This competition is put on to inspire and cultivate children's creativity as this is one of the main pillars of the Wellington Lantern Festival.

The festival's creative director started the workshops and festival as an opportunity to grow her own children's creativity, and now through the festival this has spread across New Zealand.

This year's lanterns have been specially crafted to be sustainable and multi-purpose. Families can keep them for many years to come as decorations in the home, lampshades or flat packed for safekeeping.

Each year Wellington Lantern Festival organisers try to come up with a theme that will not only spark the children's imagination but also provide a learning opportunity. At Amesbury, this was an awesome opportunity to kickstart our Communication Arts programme through learning the primary and secondary colours and creating our favourite colours.

The theme for this year's Lantern Festival is New Zealand's endangered animals. The lantern designs depict nine different endangered animals from the Māui dolphin to the Powelliphanta snail.

Voting for the competition is now open and lasts until the 1st of June 2021. Votes can be made through the Wellington Lantern Festival Website: Link.

Thank you to all the students and teachers for creating some amazing lanterns this year.