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Amesbury School

by John Murrihy

Term 2 Disco - Thursday 29th July

Kalesha Segatta - July 22, 2021

Both teachers and students are very excited to announce that we will be having a disco towards the end of this term. The disco will be held on Thursday 29th July and will be divided into two parts.

We will hold a junior disco for our Year 0-2 students from 5-6pm. Then, we will hold a senior disco for our Year 4-6 students from 6:30-7:30pm. We are aware that our Year 3 students may have different friend groups in years 2, 3 and 4, and they may also want to attend the disco with their year 2 friends who are in Harakeke Hub with them. Therefore we are giving our Year 3 students the choice to attend either the junior or senior disco - they can choose the disco they would prefer to attend, but they can only attend one disco, not both.

Entrance for both discos can be purchased on our school Kindo Shop and are priced at $2.00 each. Your child’s entry needs to be purchased by Sunday 25th July.

Alongside the $2.00 entry fee, we will have a range of things for students to purchase with cash during the disco. The items that will be available for students to purchase are:

  • Cheese pizza (Gluten free option available) - $1.50 per slice.

  • Bags of assorted lollies - $2.00 per bag.

  • Small packets of chippies - $1.00 per bag.

  • A range of glow-in-the-dark products - ranging from 50c - $2.50.

  • We will also have a few teachers who will be available to apply simple designs to children’s faces using glow-in-the-dark face paint.

If your child will be interested in purchasing any of the above, please ensure that you send them to the disco with cash (coins, and notes of smaller denominations only please).

Both the junior and senior discos will be held across Harakeke Hub and the Whāre Pukapuka (Library). When students arrive at the disco, we ask that they enter through the Māwhero Shared Space sliding door (suite with the pink carpet). Our bag racks will be outside for students to hang coats/jumpers up if they wish to prior to entering the space. We can then tick them off the list and stamp their hand to show that they have already ‘signed in’. They will then be able to freely move between Kikorangi, Māwhero, and the Whare Pukapuka (Library). Each of these three spaces will have a different purpose.

  • The Whare Pukapuka (Library) will be where students can purchase pizza, lollies, chippies, and glow products.

  • Māwhero will be a space for students to eat, play and chat.

  • Kikorangi will be the space for students to show off their awesome dance skills!

Water dispensers and face painting will be available in both Māwhero and Kikorangi.

Throughout both discos, there will be a one-way movement system in place. Students can move towards the bathrooms and Whare Pukapuka via the inside corridor. When moving back towards the hub, students must exit the building via the Library door and re-enter the hub through the Māwhero or Kikorangi external doors.

On the evening of the disco, there will be a range of teachers on hand to monitor and engage with students, therefore caregivers are welcome to drop off at the start time and pick them up at the end time. Caregivers are welcome to accompany their children if they wish to. We do ask that any younger siblings remain with their caregiver rather than moving freely throughout the hub.

For the junior disco, caregivers are welcome to remain in the hub throughout the duration of the disco if they wish to. For the senior disco, if caregivers are choosing to stay during the disco, we ask that they wait outside of the hub or in the commons (upstairs staff area) where tea and coffee will be available. This will provide our students with more space to move freely around the hub and Whare Pukapuka, as we have a larger number of students attending the senior disco.

Kalesha has oversight of the disco organization and is happy to answer any questions that you may have. Please do not hesitate to send her an email if you have any: