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Amesbury School

by Urs Cunningham

Kaiako and Tumuaki strike action on Thursday 16th March

Urs Cunningham - March 9, 2023

Amesbury School will be closed for instruction on Thursday 16th March due to strike action by NZEI union members. This means children will not come to school for learning on that day.

Tumuaki / principals and kaiako / teachers have voted for strike action on Thursday 16th March. Our tamariki need a quality education. And we want to give that to them. Unfortunately, the funding and staffing for our schools is not enough for us to give us the time we would like to support all our ākonga to thrive.

Tumuaki and kaiako in primary and area schools and kindergartens have considered at length offers from the government to settle our respective collective agreements. The offers did not meet our expectations, nor make sufficient steps towards the changes we need for our children to succeed.

Strike action is the last thing we wanted to do and this decision was not made lightly. We appreciate that is disruptive for tamariki and especially for parents and whānau. We felt that this was the only way the government would listen and recognise that when they support our children to learn and succeed, we are supporting whānau and communities to thrive.

Please note that Amesbury School will not be open for instruction on Thursday 16th March

If you have placed orders in advance for pizza lunch orders on Thursday 16th, please remember to go to the school shop and cancel this order. You need to do this before 8am on Thursday 16th in order to get a refund (select 'My orders' in your account).

We hope that we have your support in fighting for what our ākonga need to support their wellbeing and learning. 

Ngā mihi, 

the Amesbury team