Beach Education for Y3-4
Eilis Cassidy - November 25, 2021
Beach Education is a full-day interactive course delivered in a controlled and safe manner by a team from Surf Life NZ whose instructors are fully qualified Surf Lifeguards. These instructors have also completed a course on safeguarding children. The Harakeke teachers and a number of other parent volunteers will also be supporting our ākonga on the day. The programme will be broken into three sections; theory (completed in the club house), beach activities and water activities.
What to pack for Beach Ed?
The beach is an ever changing environment so you will need to pack for all seasons:
Towel, togs, wetsuit (if you have one), warm clothes & sun hat
Lunch, drink & sun screen (factor 30+)
We ask that your child/children arrive at school no later than 8:50am on the morning of the trip as the bus will be leaving promptly at 9am. The students will return to school by 3pm. They are welcome to wear mufti on the day of the trip.
If you have any further questions please email your child's whānau teacher.
Ngā mihi nui.