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Week 4 Share and Celebrate

Urs Cunningham —

On Rāmere (Friday) we had our second Share and Celebrate of Term 3. Read on to find out more about the fabulous people who were celebrated this week.

Our Share & Celebrate events are a time to acknowledge and celebrate ākonga (students) who have been noticed doing something great. This can be for anything from an act of kindness, to great efforts in learning or taking care of the environment. If you have fabulous things your tamariki have been doing outside of school that you would like to share and celebrate, please email the details to your child's whānau teacher.

Here are the fabulous people who were celebrated this week:

  • Aradhya, Anish, Surya, Bella, Yolanda: Thank you for giving up your library time to help organise the chapter books. You did a great job making sure everything was in the right place and left tidy.

  • Kailey: This year you have been working hard on recognising what makes you worried. Recently you made a huge break through and over came one of your biggest fears. Tino pai, Kailey.

  • Rohan K: Well done for volunteering to be a librarian and doing an excellent job in the library including scanning the books to return them and putting away books. Kirat was very impressed with all your effort, tino pai!

  • Taksheel: Congratulations to Taksheel who participated in the Hutt Valley Performing Arts competition during the school holidays. He came 1st place in the poetry recitals across the region winning the Edgar Trophy.

  • Sangni: You were an amazing help translating for a family who were coming to enrol a new student. You helped to let them know what is like for students who speak languages other than English, and the family found you really helpful. Thank you for being so kind and helpful.

  • Sophronia: You are such a helpful and thoughtful member of Koru Hub. Whenever you see lost property around the school you pick it up and bring it to Rachel in the office, so that she can help to get it back to the right person. You even do this after school, too. Thank you for all of your help with this.

  • Alofa: Alofa, you have been working super hard in your maths. It has been lovely to see you grow in your confidence and independence this term. We are really proud of how you are taking control of your learning.

  • Taniela: Your teachers are noticing how hard you’ve been working in literacy this week, you have the most awesome handwriting and sentence ideas. It’s wonderful to see your lovely smiling face when it’s whariki (mat) time!

  • Oliver C: Oliver you are a superstar! You helped us to tidy up some library books that were in the wrong place and then spent your lunch time tidying up Koru learning spaces! Thank you for all your effort and kindness.

  • Victoria C: Victoria kindly helped us before school to tidy up all of the stationery caddies in karaka without being asked! Thank you very much.

  • Lashika: We really appreciate the way you encourage some of our newer students to follow the routines. In your own learning you have been working hard to complete your literacy work. Keep being helpful and trying your best. Ka pai!

  • Ruaan B: Ruaan has been working hard in Maths to explain his learning and try trickier number patterns. It’s great to see him showing awesome mat manners too. Ka pai!

  • Nellie: We love your sunny attitude and the way you welcome new students to Māwhero. You enjoy being part of school and especially like to show us what you know in Maths. Ka pai!

  • Wee Ai: For being an amazing team member and always putting students at the centre. Thank you for your positive energy!

  • Dishon and Jireh: For their amazing mahi in the kitchen during Garden to Table. These two quietly and confidently helped out any way they could from start to finish in our cooking session this week. Thanks for the delicious kai!

  • George, Ariya, Hassnain: For fabulous focus and careful thinking with your inquiry experiment reflection. You all chose a  sensible place to work while doing your reflection, got to work quickly and stayed focused throughout your task. Tau kē, fabulous work!

  • Adam L: You were an awesome buddy in our dance lesson this week. When it was time to practise the new dance move, you gently and kindly reminded your buddy what they needed to do and where they needed to be. Great tuakana/teina work (older students working with younger students), Adam.

  • Hatem: Every day without fail Hatem shows leadership in the hub. You are a great role model to our younger tamariki, and a kaitiaki (guardian) in our hub.

    Well done to all of our amazing ākonga who were celebrated and acknowledged this week. Super work leading, focusing, helping and encouraging around our kura. Ka pai te mahi, well done.