Share and Celebrate Week 10
On Friday we held our final Share and Celebrate of term 2. Read on to find out more about the fabulous people who were celebrated this week.
Our Share & Celebrate events are a time to acknowledge and celebrate ākonga (students) who have been noticed doing something great. This can be for anything from an act of kindness, to great efforts in learning or taking care of the environment. This week our Share and Celebrate also included our Amesbury Awesomeness awards for term 2.
Here are the ākonga who were celebrated this week:
Aashrith: We are super excited to be giving you one of our Amesbury Awesomeness awards, Aashrith. You are consistently acting as a role model for other children in Koru Hub. You treat everyone, including your kaiako, with respect and kindness. You look out for others and ensure everyone is included. Whether it is learning time, or play time, we can always trust that you will be doing the right thing, and trying your best. You are also the ultimate mat master! We enjoy your sense of humour and fun personality, you help ensure Koru Hub is a happy place. Congratulations on a wonderful year so far, and we hope you are proud of your efforts.
Jordan: Jordan had been given the Amesbury Awesomeness Award for his contributions to the classroom and his personal growth this year. Jordan quietly goes above and beyond in all areas of school life, whether it be always trying his best in his learning, helping others and teachers whenever he can or volunteering his lunch times to rubbish at school. We wanted to give the award to Jordan to recognise his dedication, attentiveness and kind-heartedness. Congratulations Jordan.
Nakshathra: Sheis not only respectful and reliable but also super talented.
Every day she lives our Amesbury values. She is an excellent example of what it means to be a good student, friend and all round person.
Nakshathra has beautiful handwriting, and is an example of the sort of person they are. She puts a lot of care into everything. Her teachers and friends all admire her for being so kind and dependable. She has an incredible artistic talent. Recently, she started doing cross stitch, and she’s already making the cutest soft toys ever! Well done, Nakshathra.
Zara S: Zestful learner, always eager to explore. Adventurous spirit, seeking knowledge galore! Radiant smile that brightens the room. Ambitious and determined, chasing dreams that loom. Strength and resilience, your guiding light. Tenacity shines through challenges in sight. Ambitions soar with unwavering grace. Loyalty and courage mark your steady pace.
Annabel and Josh: You have both been representing Amesbury in the College Sport Wellington Orienteering Series over the past few months (primary school grade).
- Josh came first in the Primary Boys Championship Grade (scoring 93.7 out of a possible 100 points)
- Annabel came first in the Primary Girls Standard Grade (scoring a perfect 100 points - which means she won all 4 events she ran in).
Gabriella, Aanya, Anandi, Anna, Annie O, Marcus, Yiqi, Nia, Hatem and Mira, Durrah, Monty, Zoe G, Adaline, Cassidy, Alex Z, Emily, Joshua R, Claire, Lyia, Miesha: Thank you for volunteering for local community service this term at Churtonleigh Hospital. You thoroughly enjoyed your experience at Churtonleigh Hospital, where you had the chance to share your school experiences with the residents. You delighted them by reading captivating stories and impressing them with origami, painting, and drama. The residents were so excited and they gave it their full attention and were deeply engaged by your wonderful caring and sharing. This experience not only brought joy to the residents but also demonstrated the power of collaboration and the importance of sharing talents with the elders in our community.
Anna H, Ruby, Johnson, Arthur, Josh, Luca, Annabel, Vedant, Lina, Basti: Well done for qualifiying for Inter Zone Cross Country and representing our school so well.
Eliano and Ryan: Your help to shift boxes of heavy books from the office to Pōhutukawa was much appreciated. As you were doing this task you used your initiative and demonstrated great communication skills and leadership qualities. Ngā mihi nui.
Bella, Maia, Hanson, Hassnain, and Hunter: Ka pai (well done) for offering to clean up the kitchen upstairs in Pōhutukawa Hub and doing a great job!
Alana: Showing kindness and support for others, and always offering to help those who need a buddy. This term you have supported students whose Chromebooks were not working and also worked with other students who needed help with their learning. You are always putting the chromebooks away and sorting out the chromebook station. You volunteer to do little jobs and have the initiative to do things that need to be done without being asked. Not only are you a kind and supportive member of our hub, but you are enthusiastic about your learning and put a lot of effort into your mahi (work). Tino pai and thank you Alana for a great term 2.
Manahel, Kate and Lika: Fantastic focus and perseverance in reading this week. The three of you were reading together, and you helped each other through any tricky bits. You stayed on task and kept going, even when it was hard. Tino pai!
Well done to all of our fabulous ākonga celebrated and acknowledged this week. Your guardianship around the school, help and support for others, and fabulous representation of yourselves and our school helps to make our kura a wonderful place to be. Ka pai te mahi, well done.