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Amesbury School

by Kalesha Segatta

What have we been up to in Pōhutukawa Hub recently?

Kalesha Segatta - September 22, 2022

This term has been a busy one for Pōhutukawa Hub and we would love to share some of our learning with you. This article will give you some more information about some of the cool things we have been engaging with in Pōhutukawa this term.


For coaching, we have focussed on developing plans to achieve our Journey of Growth and Development goals. Each of our students has their own ‘Growth and Development Trophy Cabinet’ where they keep track of the goals that they have already achieved. This provides us with ample opportunities to celebrate the awesome achievements that our students make each and every day. When engaging in coaching conversations with each other, our students focus on their Journey of Growth and Development goals and the plan of action that they want to put in place to ensure that they achieve their goals. Each of our students is able to access their trophy cabinet from home, so please ask them to show you and tell you all about it.


For PE this term we have been prepping our ākonga for the athletics event in Week 10. We have been developing our running skills and working hard to grow our stamina. We have also been witness to plenty of impressive throwing skills! It has been wonderful to see the effort and enthusiasm that our students have put into these sessions as they have tried their best to keep going even when it gets tough. We look forward to seeing these skills on show during the Athletics event in Week 10.

Te Reo Māori

In our Te Reo sessions, our students have continued to work on their pepeha (introduction) and have been practising how to introduce their family members to other people. We have been recording ourselves using voice recorders which have aided children in developing their pronunciation and fluency when speaking in te reo. We are very pleased to see the engagement that our ākonga (students) show during these sessions. 

Kaitiakitanga Roles

In Pōhutukawa, each student has chosen a kaitiakitanga (guardianship) role which enables them to develop their leadership in a particular area. Each kaitiakitanga group meets once a fortnight to collaborate, strategize and problem solve alongside the teacher that has oversight of their leadership role. Our students carry out their kaitiakitanga roles with mana (pride) and determination each week.

Here is a list of the kaitiakitanga roles that our students carry out and a short blurb about the tasks they have been working on together.

Sports Monitor

  • Our sports monitors have been working hard to keep our sports shed neat and tidy, working together to ensure that all PE equipment is put back in the right place. They have taken on the leadership role of ensuring that our scooter racks are put away, and the chess pieces are stored away safely at the end of the day.

Road Patroller

  • It has been great to see our road patrollers out in the morning and afternoon showing off their awesome positive attitudes! This group has also dedicated time towards developing road safety education within our hub. They have created thoughtful posters and videos that have been on display across the school.

IT Monitor

  • The IT Crew has been working hard to ensure that our Chromebooks are all stored safely and plugged in each afternoon. They have also been working hard to teach other students how best to treat their devices; creating adverts, videos, and posters that have been displayed across the school. This is a hugely important role as most of our students have their own devices that need to be handled with care.


  • Our fundraising team has been putting their heads together to develop ways that we can spread awareness about a range of issues. Most recently, the team was involved in the planning for the Wellington Free Ambulance Onesie Appeal. This was a successful day that was enjoyed by all. 

Peer Mediator

  • The peer mediating crew has been out in force during morning tea and lunchtimes supporting other students to work through friendship issues. It has been wonderful to see them showing a combination of empathy and forward-thinking when approaching these issues, suggesting solutions and strategies that other students can use.


  • Our library is in the capable hands of our librarians who are on duty each lunchtime. These students are the masters of issuing and returning library books and supporting other students when they need help. Not only do they make sure that our books are returned properly, but they also ensure that our library is kept tidy and organised.

Amesbury TV’er

  • The Amesbury Tv’ers have been documenting all of the events that our school has been involved in this term. They have been working hard to produce a series of Amesbury TV episodes focused on informing people of the exciting and interesting things that have been happening so far this year. We currently have episodes under way for Cross Country, ASB Sports and the new build development. We will publish these episodes later in the year for whānau to see. 

Please ask the children to tell you more about their kaitiakitanga role as they will be able to elaborate on their leadership skills and growth in this area.