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Amesbury School

by Natalie Douglas

AGT is back!

Natalie Douglas - May 17, 2021

We will be running Amesbury's Got Talent heats in weeks 7 & 8 (14th-25th June). Dust off your singing voices and your dance skills and come and give it a go.

This term we are going to be holding our Amesbury's Got Talent competition. This is open for all students in the school to enter with any talent they want to share. 

We will be holding the heats in weeks 7 & 8 during lunch times in front of an audience and judges. The finals will be run the following week on Friday evening (2 July). Specific dates for each item will be shared with children once the schedule has been finalised. This is a fun and casual event for anyone to sign up to if they want to share their talent. Children can sign up with this link if they haven't done so at school already. Sign ups will close on 9th June.

Children will need to be responsible for providing their own equipment and music. Music needs to be brought to school via a PA compatible device or a YouTube link that has been sent to us. Music can also be brought in by an adult to be copied. All music should be appropriate for playing at school. There will be access to keyboards, piano and the PA/speaker system.

Specific criteria will be used to help judges make decisions for the finals. Only performances tailored for a wider audience, not just the judges' viewing (e.g. a card trick) will be considered for this. However, such talents can still be performed in the heats.

We look forward to seeing the amazing talent at Amesbury School. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Natalie at