New World fundraising off to a flying start!
Urs Cunningham - September 5, 2024
Huge thanks to all of our whānau and kaimahi (staff) who have linked their Club Card numbers to our school with New World Churton Park. When you do this and you scan your card as you shop, for every $100 spent at Churton Park New World, $1 will be donated to the school. We have just received our first quarterly fundraising amount for June, July and August this year, and we have received $1,024 in fundraising. Ka rawe, that's awesome!
We have used this fundraising to purchase our own school Kī-o-Rahi sports kit, so we can play the traditional Māori game that we learned in Term 1 with Kelly Sports. Thank you so much to everyone who helped us to raise this amount.
Now that we are on a roll, it's on to the next item we would like to buy with our New World Churton Park fundraising money. We would like a set of durable soft play and balance equipment that can be used daily by students on our blue matting area in Koru Hub. It will be used during learning time and play time, and will certainly get a lot of love from our active ākonga!
If you haven't already linked your New World Club Card to our school account, you can do it by adding your number to this form. No other personal information is collected, and school cannot access any information about you through this form. We simply access it to record your Club Card number, and your email, just in case your number is not correct.
Huge thanks to all of you for scanning your card at New World Churton Park and helping us to fundraise for some 'nice to have' equipment for our tamariki. Big thanks to Kelly and Aaron from New World Churton Park for working with us on this.
Ngā mihi,
the Amesbury team