School Open Morning
Lesley Murrihy - February 20, 2019
We know that some parents do not feel that they have much of an idea of what learning looks like at Amesbury School. This is not helped by the fact that students often do not give detailed information to their parents about what they do at school when asked (or say "nothing!"). We are aware that while parents do come in for Learning Expos and Learning Celebrations, they often don't have a chance to see "normal" learning taking place. So we are offering you the opportunity to see a "normal" teaching and learning session on Tuesday morning, 26 March. Here are the details:
*8.45amish - Refreshments in the hall
*9.10am - Brief description of what you might expect to see and an outline of Open Morning expectations - to ensure the learning environment is as undisturbed possible
*9.30am - Wander around the hubs at your leisure observing literacy and inquiry teaching and learning programmes
*10.30am - Open Morning finishes.
Senior leaders will be available to answer any questions you might have during or following on from the Open Morning.
If you are interested in attending the Open Morning, please RSVP by filling out this very quick School Open Morning form. It is very important for you to let us know that you will be attending, because we can only have a certain number of parents through the hubs at one time. Once this number of responses is received, the form will automatically close. However, we will provide further opportunities in the future.